How to custom paint a motorcycle tank.

How to custom paint a motorcycle tank.
How to custom paint a motorcycle tank.
Painting a motorcycle tank is approach to alter your bike, however not everybody knows how to paint a bike tank. The gas tank on a bike is a very touchy part, and there is a particular system to painting it securely with the goal that you get a smooth completion. Take in the most ideal approach to paint your motorcycle tank, and you can spare yourself cash that you would spend contracting another person to do it.

Evacuate the greater part of the current paint. Utilize a sandblaster to sand the tank down to uncovered metal. Sandblasting may abandon a few breaks and openings, so utilize a metal filler to fill in splits and a body filler to fill in gaps. Utilize a bit of 180-coarseness sandpaper over the surface more than once until it is smooth to the touch.

Cover all openings with channel tape, and utilize an utility blade to trim the tape before you paint a bike tank. Cover any regions where the elastic gaskets contact the gas tank as this will keep the paint from getting inside the gas tank. This would incorporate territories in the filler neck region, the petcock get together, and where the fuel gage mounts to the tank.

Apply at least 5 layers of preliminary. Permit every coat to dry. After every coat is dry, sand it and apply another coat until you have 5 layers.

Apply a few layers of base paint, and sand with 380-coarseness sandpaper in the middle of coats. Permit every coat to dry before continuing to the following coat.

Enhance with Photoshop and include outlines, if fancied.

Apply 3 to 4 layers of clear coat polymer. Permit to dry. This will ensure your tank on the off chance that you trickle gas on it while utilizing a gas pump.


Apply the groundwork and paint in ideal conditions for the best results. Ensure your depiction territory has great lighting, a temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21.1 degrees Celsius), and low mugginess (underneath 50-percent relative moistness). Above all, ensure you are working in an all around ventilated zone.

Take photos of the tank, and observe the area of any previous imprints or imperfections before you begin to sandblast. This might offer you some assistance with remembering where the marks are on the grounds that they may be more hard to see later on.


Evacuate the greater part of the old paint before applying new paint to dodge incongruently issues between the 2 sorts of paint. On the off chance that you neglect to evacuate the greater part of the old paint, this will get to be evident after the tank is repainted.

Before you paint your motorcycle tank, empty any fuel out of the tank into a suitable compartment. Ensure the tank is totally broadcast out before you start painting it, since fuel is exceedingly combustible. Permit within the tank to dry out until you can no more scent the gas exhaust, which might take a couple of days.

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