How to make custom motorcycle seat pan.

How to make custom motorcycle seat pan.
How to make custom motorcycle seat pan.
Making a seat pan can appear to be exceptionally troublesome in the event that you have never done it. I hadn't made one until I did my "emotional meltdown bicycle" in 2010. In those days I utilized 3mm sheet metal which is difficult to cut and shape. Presently I've leant the simple seat pan development. Use network metal which can be bowed and cut truly effectively. You will likewise require fiber glass and pitch to solidify it up once you have the shape you require.

1: Place a bit of clear plastic sheeting on your subframe to work out the shape you require. Mark out the shape with an indelible marker pen.

2: Cut round your layout and stamp and cut your cross section metal sheet. A couple of tin cuts will cut the cross section effortlessly.

3: Place your metal sheet on your subframe and mold it to the shape you require. On the off chance that you twist it back wards and forward a lot of it will snap down the middle so cautious.

4: If you're doing this occupation with the greater part of the bicycle in place put a plastic receptacle sack over the subframe and after that put your recently molded seat pan back on top as the following piece is chaotic.

5: Before utilizing the pitch and fiber glass zip attach the seat dish to the subframe this will guarantee it keeps it's shape whist you are taking a shot at it.

6: Use your plastic layout to remove a shape in the fiber glass sheeting – place it over your metal lattice prepared to be sap drenched.

7: Mix your sap and apply it to the fiber glass sheet utilizing a firm brush. Ensure the fiber glass gets truly wet and goes clear. The sap truly needs to drench into the fiber glass and to sink between the openings of the metal cross section to guarantee it bonds with it legitimately.

8: Once the gum and fiber glass has dried expel the seat from the subframe and include the same number of layers of fiber glass and gum as required to the top and underside of your seat pan to fortify it.

Presently you have a solid and light seat dish formed to the shape you neede

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