How to fix rigid and heavy Custom Motorcycle steering

How to fix rigid and heavy Custom Motorcycle steering

One important component and visible physically by our eyes on a motorcycle is steering wheel. Of course every motorcycle must have a steering wheel to be the trigger where we're going. Steering or often referred to as handlebars is a steering tool that must be on our motors. With the steering handlebars we can control the motors where we will run the motor.

But in practice often or some of us encounter a problem that is happen on the steering handlebars that we have. The most common problems in this part of motor components are that they are usually heavy and rigid when used. In this case, there are usually two common causes that can make the steering handlebars we have felt heavy and rigid. Both causes may be because the handlebars have problems with the steering head or could be problems occur on the front wheels that exist on the motor.

Of course if you experience problems it feels in the uncomfortable condition, especially when the use of driving must be felt so disturbed when the steering handlebars suddenly experience heavy and stiff. In this case, do not think to take it directly to the workshop because who knows you can fix it by yourself at home so there is no need to spend the inside pay for the cost of the workshop.

Find out why and how to fix Custom Motorcycle steering

The first thing in dealing with a problem like this is that you know first what the problems are, after that you also recognize the cause of the problem triggers can happen, after getting to know those things then you can look for ways how to Fix. You're right to open this one article that can give you tips or ways to fix the heavy-weight steering wheel on your motorcycle.

You can know in advance steering head, if the steering condition is heavy and stiff especially you bend, then just try to check the part of steering head Motor first. Make sure your motor is still in good condition and no problem, usually a steering head that has problems such as wear or may be outdated because the age factor that is too long to use on your motorcycle can be one of the causes Why motors are often rigid stirred when bent.

You can perform the steering head again, follow the steps below to install the combination:

It used to be a grease or usually called a fat in the steering head mounted.
    Again, you have to go to full...
    Then you take one seed then plug it again.

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